Welcome to Jingbo’s Homepage!

I’m an Associate Professor at UCSD jointly appointed by Computer Science and Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute. I obtained my Ph.D. from UIUC advised by Prof. Jiawei Han in 2019. I received my B.E. from SJTU in 2014. I’m also a coach of the UCSD’s ACM-ICPC team.

Research Interests

Our lab specializes in knowledge extraction and discovery using weak supervision techniques. We focus on minimizing user effort through an innovative paradigm called extremely weak supervision (XWS), which involves only brief natural-language user input to define tasks, similar to the task-specific guidelines provided to human annotators.

We adopt a data-driven approach to improve the accuracy of knowledge extraction and discovery without requiring significant additional human annotations. Since 2018, we have been at the forefront of using, understanding, and improving language models. The recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have provided us with more powerful tools to enhance our research.

Our methods are domain and language agnostic, relying only on pre-trained LLMs in specific domains and languages. This flexibility allows us to extend the XWS concept to various tasks and domains, including biomedical, business, IoT, and more.

My Schedule

You can find my schedule here. The “Week” view will present you the details of slots.

Cooking from Computer Science Perspective

I have decided to be a Youtuber, sharing my cooking secrets, because COVID-19 makes many of my students have to cook at home by themselves for the first time.

Cooking is one of my hobbies and it is a great relax to me. From the computer science perspective, I can see many related concepts and problems: (1) parallelization, (2) hyper-parameter tuning, (3) scheduling, etc. In my humble opinion, cooking, to some extent, should be easier than making complicated deep learning models effective in experiments. Throughout my 5-year PhD study at UIUC, I have summarized some tricks to prepare two delicious entrees in 30 mins. Here is my Youtube Channel. Since my cooking secrets are mostly about Chinese food, so the videos are in Chinese. If you like it, don’t forget to subscribe it!

Prospective Students

I’m actively recruiting students who are excited about doing fun research. My lab has openings for PhD students and research internship opportunities for master/undergrad students (UCSD or external). Please check the following items before sending me an email.

  • Applicants for UCSD PhD Program: Please make sure that you have applied online (CSE PhD Program and/or HDSI PhD Program) and select my name as one of the faculty members that you wish to work with. I will carefully review every applicantion that mentioned my name.
  • Research Internship Opportunities:
    • If you are currently at UCSD: I only take students who (1) have a clear research problem/objective and some initial ideas; (2) have relevant research experiences or have strong background in math/stats/physics; and (3) could devote enough time on research. Please highlight these in your email including a time plan.
    • If you are not at UCSD (e.g., Summer Internship): Visitors are mostly recommended by my collaborators and have their own funding support. The minimum duration of stay at UCSD is 12 weeks (preferably 6 months - 1 year). Please indicate the time range in your email.

In your email, please include the following items:

  • Title as “Prospective Student: YourName - YourAffliation”
  • Briefly introduce what research problem that you are interested in. What are the current state-of-the-art solutions and why do you think you can further improve over them?
  • Briefly introduce yourself, including education background, research experiences, and programming skills.
  • Briefly explain your motivations and expectations of working with me.
  • Include a PDF version of your CV.