Current Members
PhD Students
Co-advised PhD Students
Master Students
Undergraduate Students
- Shang Zhou
- Jinya Jiang
Lab Alumni
- Colin Wang (2023 –> Princeton for Master study)
- Kewen Zhao (2023 –> CMU for Master study)
- Beilei He (2022 –> UPenn for Master study)
- Yuxuan Fan (2022 –> Startup)
- Zhenyu Bi (2021 –> CMU for Master study)
- Joey Hou (2021 –> UPenn for Master study)
- Yang Li (2021 –> Columbia for Master study)
- George Pu (2021 –> UCLA for Master study)
Our work is sponsored in part by NSF CAREER Award 2239440, NSF Proto-OKN Award 2333790, Sponsored Research Projects from companies like Cisco and eBay, as well as generous gifts from Google, Adobe, and Teradata. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the views, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for government purposes not withstanding any copyright annotation hereon.
Previous Support:
- NSF Convergence Accelerator under award OIA-2040727.
- NIH Bridge2AI Center Program under award 1U54HG012510-01.
- Cisco-UCSD Sponsored Research Project
Icons made by Vitaly Gorbachev from